Monday, September 17, 2007

Fish Oil Boosts Bone Health

Already touted for its heart and mood benefits, a fish oil-rich diet may also boost bone health, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. If these findings hold true in humans, fish oil could offer a key strategy to prevent age-related osteoporosis.

Scientists supplemented the diets of two groups of female mice either with omega-3 fatty acid-rich fish oil or omega-6 fatty acid-rich corn oil. After six months, fish oil-fed mice maintained higher bone mineral density in different bone regions, compared with the mice fed omega-6 fats. The omega-3 fed animals also demonstrated increased levels of a bone formation marker, and fewer bone-degrading osteoclast cells in bone marrow cell cultures.

~ Cathy Burke, LIFE EXTENSION Magazine, September 2007


Jacqueline said...

Interesting study, but I have been reading up so much about bone health, I've got to wonder, was it the omega 3s that helped with bone formation or the vitamin D in the fish oil (regardless of omega 3 fatty acid amount). I know this post is from 2007, but I just wanted to follow up in case anyone else wants to read more about vitamin D and EFAs and bone health, here are two more excellent articles from Better Bones:
Key nutrients for bone health — essential fatty acids (EFAs) and A new understanding of vitamin D And just wanted to comment, Google seems to love this blog post! Though it is 2 years old, you are still at the top of the pile for bone health blogs! I didn't even realize it was an old post until I looked up the study and saw it was dated from 07!

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