Saturday, December 22, 2007

Holiday Weight Management Tips from Columbia University Medical Center Weight Control Center

The plethora of culinary delicacies available this time of year can be tempting. Office parties, vendor food baskets, irresistible family recipes, familiar food cravings and the sheer stress of the season can make managing your weight at this time of year especially challenging.

To help fend off extra unwanted pounds that can contribute to health problems, the Weight Control Center at Columbia University Medical Center offers the following Holiday Weight Management Tips:

1. Don’t skip meals. Don’t skip meals because this increases the chances that you will overeat at holiday celebrations, probably on high calorie food choices. Also, don’t go to the party hungry. Have a healthy snack that includes some protein beforehand so that you will be less likely to overindulge.

2. Beware of liquid calories. Alcohol calories add up quickly. Two gin and tonics can have more calories than a bacon cheeseburger. Before you know it, you may have swallowed the calorie equivalent of a meal. Try seltzer with a twist of lime.

3. Keep up with your activity. Make sure you make time to continue your regular exercise routine. If you don’t have one, start walking. Take a walk with a friend, even if it’s in the mall. Activity can also provide good relief from stress.

4. Beware of mindless eating. Savor your food. Chew slowly. Before you go for a second helping, drink a glass of water, and ask yourself if you are really hungry or just eating for the sake of it. Put your mind between your mouth and the food.

5. Choose your treat. If you know you absolutely must have that slice of pie for dessert, forego the eggnog. Do not indulge in those random holiday treats around work.

6. Budget your calories. Watch your portion sizes. Don’t fill up with the high fat hors d’oeuvres before you even start the meal.

7. Be realistic. Have a reasonable weight maintenance goal during the holidays so that you don’t set yourself up for disappointment. Realize that you might indulge a little bit here and there, but don’t let that be an excuse for going overboard.

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